Refinery Township, Panipat - 132140 Haryana
0180-2585003, 2525065, 2525068
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Kanika of DPSPR Wins Silver Medal in CBSE Taekwondo Championship
Kanika a student of class X of DPS Panipat Refinery made the whole school proud by winning a BRONZE MEDAL in the National Taekwondo Championship organised by CBSE at Greater Noida from 23 November to 26 November 2023. The National Level Chamionship was held by CBSE for the winners of Regional Level Taekwondo Champions.
Earlier, Kanika had bagged a SILVER MEDAL in the CBSE Regional Taekwondo Chamionship held from 27 October to 31 October 2023 at Patiala. The championship was held by CBSE for around its 200 North Zone schools of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Haryana. For her splendid achievement, she was selected to represent the school in the National Taekwondo Championship.