
III to V Curriculum


Primary School Curriculum

We at school are committed to adopt the recommendations of NEP 2020 and NCF. Primary stage (8 – 11 years) is very significant stage of students’ lives as the curiosity of the students is at its peak. Students are full of energy, keen to learn, and ready to adopt and adapt. Keeping the significance of the age group in mind, our focus is to frame a child centric and child friendly curriculum for their holistic growth. Our teaching learning materials are selected/designed keeping in tandem with the learning outcomes of each class. We focus on the optimum utilization of resources of school and of nearby surroundings for the holistic growth of the tiny tots. Our activities are designed to ensure cognitive development, physical development, aesthetic development, ethical development and cultural development of each child. We have a very robust formative assessment system which allows us to track the progress of every child. We regularly monitor and review our plan based on the achievement of the set goals and bring changes in our plans as and when needed.

We ensure to provide a safe, secure, comfortable and happy classroom environment that can address child centered experiential learning.

Curriculum Goals For Languages

By the end of Primary School, we aim that every student is able to

  * acquire listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in an age appropriate integrated manner.

  * develop interpersonal communication skill.

  * express own’s thoughts orally and in writing in a meaningful way.

  * understand and interpret instructions and respond meaningfully.

  * acquire age appropriate vocabularies and read & interpret the text materials.

  * develop age appropriate understanding of social issues.

  * Develop reference skills both printed and electronic mode.

 Curriculum Goals For Mathematics

By the end of Primary School, we aim that every student is able to

  * recognise shapes and articulate similarities and differences among them.

  * develop connection between daily life needs and mathematical thinking.

  * understand shapes and articulate their observable properties as similarities and differences among 

  * develop own methods of performing operations on numbers in daily life (addition, subtraction,
    multiplication and division)

  * develop language and symbolic notations with standard algorithms of performing number operations.

  * estimate outcome of operations on two or more numbers and use it in daily life activities.

  * learn to represent the part of a whole as a fraction and order simple fractions.

  * collect, represent and interpret simple data from her/his contexts and  use it in everyday life.

 Curriculum Goals For Environmental Studies

By the end of Primary School, we aim that every student is able to

  * acquire awareness about immediate/wider surroundings through lived experiences on various themes
    related to daily life, e.g., family, plants, animals, food, water, travel, and shelter etc.

  * nurture natural curiosity and creativity for the immediate surroundings.

  * develop various processes/skills, e.g., observation, discussion, explanation, experimentation, logical
    reasoning, through interaction with immediate surroundings.

  * develop sensitivity for the natural, physical and human resources in the immediate environment.

  * point out and raise issues related to equality, justice and respect for human dignity and rights.