
IX-X Curriculum


Curriculum Secondary School


The school strictly follows the curriculum and the guidelines of CBSE & NCERT at secondary school level with a primary aim to prepare the students with the 21st century skills. To equip the young ones with the cognitive and linguistic competencies, we follow Five Step Learning Process i.e. Introduction, Conceptual Understanding, Practice, Application and Expansion. The curriculum aims at fostering creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration skills  in the students. It is ensured that physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and development of life skills seeps into the domains of a child’s development.

The aim of the school for secondary school children is to develop their practical learning and soft skills. It is further ensured that the students’ diverse learning needs are addressed and they are well prepared to appear in the Board Examinations conducted by CBSE.

Curriculum Goals Of Languages

At this stage learners are expected to:

   * develop an understanding of what they hear in formal and informal settings.

   * develop an ability to speak fluently and accurately in a variety of situations meaningfully.

   * understand the verbal and non-verbal clues used by the speaker.develop an ability to read with
     comprehension and not merely decode.

   * develop the ability to express their thoughts effortlessly, confidently and in an organised manner.

   * write a coherent piece undergoing various stages and processes of writing.

   * develop imagination, creativity and aesthetic sensibility, and appreciation.understand the overarching
     values embedded in the Indian constitution like equality, social justice, equity, scientific temper;
     imbibe values and apply.

   * respond to contemporary social concerns like needs of elderly people, violence against women, needs
     of children with special needs, protection of environment, etc., think critically about various issues
     and concerns.

   * develop global perspective on various issues through literature, ICT, media, etc.

   * develop multilingual competence through using multilingualism as a strategy for learning of languages
     and subjects.

   * develop grammatical competencies moving from procedural knowledge (from use or meaning) to
     declarative knowledge (form).

Curriculum Goals Of Mathematics

At this stage learners are expected to develop ability and attitude for—

   * ability to think logically, formulate and handle abstractions rather than knowledge of procedures
     (formal and mechanical).

   * mathematical vocabulary.

   * consolidation and generalisation of the concepts learnt so far.

   * understanding and proving mathematical statements.

   * addressing problems that come from other domains such as, science and social sciences.

   * integration of concepts and skills that the children have learnt into a problem solving ability.

   * analysing and constructing the processes involved in mathematical reasoning.

   * establishing linkages between mathematics and daily life experiences.

Curriculum Goals Of Science

At this stage learners are expected to:

   * develop understanding of concepts, principles, theories, and laws governing the physical world,
     consistent with the stage of cognitive development.

   * develop ability to acquire and use the methods and processes of science, such as observing,
     questioning, planning investigations, hypothesising, collecting, analysing and interpreting data,
     communicating explanations with evidences, justifying explanations,thinking critically to consider and
     evaluate alternative explanation, etc.

   * conduct experiments, also involving quantitative measurements.

   * appreciate how concepts of science evolve with time giving importance to its historical prospective.

   * develop scientific temper (objectivity, critical thinking, freedom from fear and prejudice, etc.).

   * nurture natural curiosity, aesthetic sense, and creativity.

   * imbibe the values of honesty, integrity, cooperation, concern for life and preservation of

   * develop respect for human dignity and rights, equity and equality.

Curriculum Goals Of Social Science

At this stage learners are expected to:

   * recognise the relevance of the domain of knowledge in establishing inter linkages with natural and
     social environment.

   * classify and compare the cause and effect relationship in the context of occurrence of events,
     natural and social processes and their impact on different sections of the society.

   * explain concepts like unity in diversity, democracy, development, diverse factors and forces that
     enrich our cultural heritage.

   * discuss the need to evolve plurality of approaches in understanding natural and social phenomena.

   * identify spatial variability of events, processes, and phenomena in the contemporary world.

   * identify democratic ethos, equity, mutual respect, equality, justice, and harmony.

   * demonstrate skills of observation, enquiry, reflection, empathy, communication, and critical thinking;

   * create awareness and sensitivity towards environmental issues, sustainable development, gender
     disparities, marginalised section of the society and persons with special needs.

Curriculum Goals Of Health & Physical Education

At the secondary stage the learners are expected to:

   * develop their own fitness abilities as a result of participation in games, sports and yoga.

   * understand individual and collective responsibilities for healthy living at home, school and in the

   * display leadership qualities, values, good character, confidence, patriotism through participation in
     nation building programmes, drills and activities.

   * demonstrate sportsman spirit, decision making and resourcefulness.

   * realise the importance of disease free life, display healthy habits, growth and development, and
     address gender differences.

   * deal with psycho-social issues like drug abuse, anxiety, attitudes, behaviour, coping with stress and
     emotions at school, home and in the community.

   * develop positive attitude and life skills to promote mental health, self-control, concentration and
     discipline in life.

Curriculum Goals Of Art Education

At this stage learners are expected to develop—

   * artistic thinking and abilities to appreciate beauty of nature and man-made objects around

   * knowledge and skill of handling art materials, tools and techniques related to their stage.

   * ability to communicate freely through selected art form(s).

   * skills of working together in teams, while being sensitive and appreciative towards artistic
     expression of others, especially of students with special needs.

   * skills of perspective, proportion, size, depth, light and shade, tactile feeling, season, time, mood,
     etc., and it’s appropriate use in visual art compositions.

   * skills of understanding naad and its types, shruti, swar, taal, combination of notes, musical phrases,
     multiples of rhythmic patterns, avartan, facial expressions, makeup, importance and authenticity
     regarding costumes, jewellery, hairdo, etc.,

   * use of props, script writing, dialogue delivery, improvisations, rasas, etc.

   * understanding and skills to differentiate between regional, traditional and classical art forms.

   * interest to participate in inter-group, inter-school art activities, in study trips, for interaction with
     artists and artisans in the community, to explore traditional art forms in the community or

Curriculum Goals Of Information Technology

On completion of the course, students should be able to:

   * Identify the principal components of a computer system; Demonstrate the basic skills of using

   * Demonstrate the knowledge of the importance of green skills in meeting the challenges of
     sustainable development and environment protection.

   * Work safely on the computer.

   * Open source software.

   * Use the computer for data entry process.

   * Collect all necessary information about the query.

   * Log any decision about the query on the data entry tracking form.

   * Follow Rules and guidelines for data entry.

   * Undertake data entry with speed and accuracy.

 Scholastic Areas:

   * The scholastic assessment will comprise Internal Assessment and Annual examination.

   * Internal Assessment will consist of periodic (pen paper) tests, multiple asessment (subject related
     activities). The portion of syllabus will be cumulatively covered.

   * Average marks of the best two periodic tests will be taken for final result.

   * Assessment of subject enrichment activities and notebooks will be done on a continuous basis.

   * Annual examination of class IX, covering 100% syllabus, will be held in the month of March.
     Maximum marks for each subject will be 80.

   * Annual examination for class X, covering 100% syllabus, will be conducted by CBSE. 

Final result (Each Subject) : Class – IX       


Type of Assessment


Term 1

Multiple Assessment 1


Subject Enrichment Activities 1

Notebook 1

Weekly Test 1


Multiple Assessment 2


Subject Enrichment Activities 2

Notebook 2

Weekly Test 2

10 (Best of WT1 and WT2)

Half Yearly Examination


Term 2

Multiple Assessment 3


Subject Enrichment Activities 3

Notebook 3

Weekly Test 3


Annual Examination


Cumulative Result:
40% of Term-1 + 60% of Term-2 = 100 %


 Co-Scholastic Activities: For the holistic development of the students, the students shall be graded in Work Education (SEWA), Art Education, Health and Physical Education. Aspects such as regularity, sincere participation, output and teamwork shall be the criteria for grading the co-scholastic activities.

Discipline: The students will be graded term wise for discipline, based on factors such as attendance, sincerity, behaviour and values.