
School Rules



School Rules


1. It is mandatory for every student to wear the I-Card to school. In case an I-card is misplaced, a duplicate must be procured at the earliest from the class teacher against a payment of Rs.100.

 2. Parents are also required to carry their Parent I-card to get entry into school.

(Please note that the security guards will stop the entry/exit of the parents who fails to show the parent i-card.)

 3. Acts of indiscipline, particularly the use of foul language, the use of unfair means in a test, truancy, bunking, bullying, violence, stealing, carrying forbidden items, disrespect towards teachers and any other morally reprehensible behaviour will incur serious consequences.

 4. Senior students and monitors have a special responsibility with regard to the discipline, as well as the welfare of students, particularly the younger children.                                                

5. Students are expected to respect the property of others. This also includes respect for school property.

 6. Damage caused by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the Principal.

Any damage done will be made good by the student. In case of willful damage to school property the student will have to pay a fine as well as the cost of repair/recovery of the goods damaged.

7. It is advisable not to bring valuable articles like expensive watches or pens to school. The school is not responsible for the goods lost.

8. Wearing a smart watch, health band, metallic bands etc. is not allowed. Students must not carry deodorants/ perfumes to school.

9. Carrying of mobile phones, cameras etc. are strictly prohibited. Failure to follow the rule will result in confiscation of the phone till the end of the school year along with a fine of Rs. 1000. Also, the school forfeits all liability for loss or damage of the phone in this period.

10. Students are strictly forbidden to carry any kind of liquor, cigarettes, intoxicants, weapons, firearms or any such item that may cause hurt/injury to a person or property. Failure to comply with this will be considered an unpardonable offence and strict action will be taken.

11. It is also prohibited to bring fire crackers to school. Strict action will be taken against any student who explodes fire crackers in the school premises.

12 As a rule, no birthday celebrations are allowed in school. Children should come to school in their uniforms even on birthdays. No distribution of gifts other than toffees is allowed, that too in their own class.

13. The school takes a serious view of repeated transgressions for which Red and Yellow cards are issued.

     (a) Yellow Card I -  served by the Counsellor after an act of recorded indiscipline.

     (b) Yellow Card II - served by the Counsellor for a subsequent act of indiscipline.

     (c) Red Card - served by the Principal for two acts of indiscipline subsequent to the issuance of

                      the  Yellow Card.

14. A student may be suspended or asked to leave school on the following grounds:

(a) Repeated acts of indiscipline

(b) Vandalism

(c) Unsatisfactory progress

(d) Detention or repeated detentions in class

(e) Any other reason that brings disrepute to school



1. Students must be punctual and come to school on time.

2. No child will be allowed entry after the start of school. The school gates will be closed thereafter.

3. Lady helpers will be on duty to escort the students of Pre-primary to and from the gate.

4. No student is allowed to come to school in a self-driven vehicle.

5. Parents are requested not to enter the school premises to drop their wards.                           


1. As far as possible, once a child has come to school, he/she should not ask for short leave.

2. A gate pass will be issued to students who deviate from normal mode/time of dispersal because of unavoidable circumstances. The parent concerned must collect the gate pass as well as the child from the school reception. No parent would be allowed to go to the class himself /herself for this purpose.

3. In case anyone other than the Parent comes to pick up a student, it is mandatory for the Parents to email the Headmaster/ the Headmistress of the school for the same.

4. Students who come to school and go home in the care of attendants should not leave before the attendant arrives. In case of any delay, they should report to the school reception.

Leave of Absence

1. In order to avail a leave of absence, an application along with supporting documents (if applicable) must be submitted to the following:

Class Teacher                    :   For leave up to one week

Headmasters/Headmistress      :   For leave beyond one week, up to a month

Principal                           :    For leave beyond one month

2. In case a student is absent from school for a period of 45 days or more without any information, his/her name will be struck off the rolls and parents will have to apply for re-admission to the school where all the fees payable at the time of admission will have to be paid.

3. For outstation leave/long leave during school days, written permission must first be obtained from the Principal and the class teacher must be informed of the same.

4. Students who have been on leave for a period of seven days or more because of any illness must produce a medical certificate on joining school. This needs to be duly signed by the Headmasters/Headmistress before the student can sit in his/her class.

5. Record of non-attendance, stating the reason for each day of absence from school, must be duly filled in the almanac and signed by the parent.