Refinery Township, Panipat - 132140 Haryana
0180-2585003, 2525065, 2525068
[email protected]

Sports Achievements
The students of our school performed outstandingly in varrious SGFI District Level Tournaments bringing laurels to the school.
* Football Victory: Our school team bagged different positions in SGFI District Level Table Tennis Tournament for Boys held on 29th August 2024. 1st position was bagged by U-14 Boys and 3rd position was bagged by U-17 Boys and U-19 Boys.
* Chess Champion: 04 Boys (U/17 Category) participated in District Level Chess Tournament -2024 organized by School Games Federation of India (SGFI) held at PIET Sanskriti School, Panipat on 28th- Aug., 2024. 01 Student, Ronit Raj Chetia, class IX stood 1st in overall ranking of the tournament.
* Cricket Stars: Sanskar and Harshit Sindha were part of the champion team in the U-19 Cricket Tournament at the District Level.
* Table Tennis Success: Our Table Tennis teams excelled at the SGFI District Level Events: won 1st position for U19 and U-17 girls’ category.
Our Table Tennis teams excelled at the SGFI District Level Events: won 1st position for U14 and U-17 boys’ category.
* Taekwondo Triumph: 8 of our students have been selected for the SGFI State Level Taekwondo Tournament after securing 1st position in the District Level competition.
* Karate Tournament: Tharisha of class X B got selected to State Level Karate Tournament for securing 1st position at District Level.