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Counselling and Advisory Session for Grade X Students & Parents
Our school organised a Counselling and Advisory session on 9th Nov’24 for Grade X students and parents, spearheaded by our visionary mentor Mr Arindam Bhattacharya, a career counselor and motivational speaker. Esteemed academic consultant Mr Arindam Bhattacharya facilitated the event, introducing students to emerging career opportunities as well as innovative and vocational pathways beyond the traditional streams. He also emphasized the importance of developing employability skills alongside academic achievements. The interactive Q& A session saw enthusiastic participation with students and parents seeking advice on aligning interests and career goals. Speaking on the occasion, Our Principal Mr Surendra P Sachdeva emphasized the importance of making informed decisions when selecting academic streams and developing the right attitude for success.The workshop was a resounding success, empowering students and parents to navigate their educational journeys with confidence and clarity.